
E-Invoicing with Peppol in the Construction Sector: Efficient and Future-Proof

E-Invoicing with Peppol in the Construction Sector: Efficient and Future-Proof

“Digitalization could reduce construction costs by up to 20%.” This figure shows that the future of construction is digital, and e-invoicing with Peppol is a key part of that shift. Especially in construction, where complex supply chains and multiple stakeholders dominate the daily workflow, manual invoice processing often leads to chaos. The solution? E-invoicing with Peppol! It offers standardized, fast, and error-free processes that not only improve cash flow but also reduce administrative costs.

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Hit-Online: The Digital Solution for the Construction Industry

Hit-Online: The Digital Solution for the Construction Industry

Hit-Online: An Essential Digital Tool to Revolutionize Construction The construction industry is evolving rapidly, and the need to adapt to digitalization is becoming increasingly evident. However, recent figures show that only a fraction of companies in this sector have taken the step towards digital transformation. The Digital Barometer 2022, published by the Digital Agency, reveals that only 8% of construction companies use an ERP to manage their activities, while the construction sector ranks last in terms of digital transformation in Wallonia, with only 1% of companies having implemented a strategy in this regard.

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